Empire Library Delivery

Statewide materials delivery for libraries in New York.

Empire Library Delivery (ELD) improves statewide delivery, making resource sharing connections among all types of libraries affordable and streamlined. ELD provides return on investment for libraries by providing a convenient, affordable, and tailored delivery service to institutions, thereby supporting increased statewide resource sharing among ELD participants. By bundling shipments of library materials, ELD assists libraries in quickly getting items into the hands of users. ELD is overseen by Sheryl Knab of the Western New York Library Resources Council and Kathleen Gundrum of Capital District Library Council.

The ELD Advisory Council includes representatives from the IDS project, ConnectNY, SUNY Libraries and other institutions to ensure an efficient, cost-effective exchange of materials among participating libraries. For questions regarding ELD’s day-to-day operations, please contact admin@esln.org.

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Policies & Procedures

Joining & Mailing List

ELD welcomes new participants to the delivery service. Two weeks’ notice is needed to set up a new account. New stops will always begin service on a Monday. JOIN ELD HERE.

Subscribe to ELD Mailing List HERE


Libraries wishing to discontinue ELD service may opt out at the end of any quarter with a minimum of two weeks’ notice. No refunds are available. Contact Maria to discontinue.

How to send items

All participating ELD libraries are listed on the ELD Roster. Your library can ship to and receive from all the libraries on this list using the ELD program.

Place ILL items to be sent in an ELD bag and zip the bag closed. Multiple items going to one location may be placed in the same bag; however items going to different locations must be placed in separate bags. The courier will not be opening the bags and therefore will not be able to sort items within the same bag to go to different locations. Multiple bags should be placed in a blue ELD tote.

Due to the fragile nature of some AV packaging, ELD recommends that AV materials be sent inside a hard plastic container or wrapped in bubble wrap.

What to send

  • Books
  • Periodicals
  • Newspapers
  • Audio-visual materials*
    • video and audio cassettes
    • sound recordings
    • CDs
    • DVDs
  • including video and audiocassettes, sound recordings, CD’s

*Due to the fragile nature of some AV packaging, ELD recommends that AV materials be sent inside a hard plastic container or wrapped in bubble wrap.

NOTE: There is no limit to the number of packages that can be shipped daily.

What not to send

  • Office equipment
  • Personal Correspondence
  • Promotional Items
  • Rare or valuable books or
  • periodicals
  • Items that cannot be replaced

Expected Turnaround Time

Empire State Library Network contracts with a courier service to provide ELD, with expected turnaround times of 24 to 72 hours between locations (see Turnaround Times Chart). Courier service drivers are expected to arrive at the same time each day within a two-hour window. 

ELD Participants as preferred lenders/Using custom holdings

If your library participates in ELD, you may wish to create a ELD Custom Holdings Group. Custom Holdings is an OCLC ILL feature that allows you to automatically display holdings for groups of preferred lenders. ELD participants should make sure they are part of the OCLC group with the affiliation code LAND. If your library was part of the previous LAND service managed by Nylink and then NYSHEI, you are already part of that group. Participants that have joined the system after July 1, 2012 should contact OCLC to join the group.

Holidays & Closures

There is no ELD service on the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • President’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Veteran’s Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day

Shipping supplies

ELD will supply each participating member with an initial supply of bags and a label template. If your library’s supply of ELD bags is running low, please use the form on the ELD site to request more.

Totes will be delivered by the courier service driver from your local hub/terminal. If your library has extra totes, leave those out for the drive to return them to the hub/terminal. If your library needs totes, please inform your driver who can alert the terminal and he can bring more on the next service day.

Excess, worn or damaged bags should be sent via ELD to:
College of Saint Rose
392 Western Ave, Albany NY 12203
HUB -Albany 

Reporting Statistics

 Your library should track ELD usage. All ELD participants should count the number of bags and items sent by ELD each month, and report monthly to ELD using the form below.

Monthly Statistics Form

Please feel free to use one of these tracking sheets to help assist in gathering statistics.

Tracking by day

Tracking by location

Service Issues & Reporting


Yes, ELD will continue to use the blue LAND and NY3R bags, and drivers will continue to accept them with the new service. So keep using them! We have cycled in the ELD bags, but there’s no reason to get rid of the perfectly good bags we already have in circulation. Also, ESLN has purchased delivery totes that have been provided to each participating library. Please keep these bags and totes in circulation rather than using them around your library to store items.

The cities for each participating library are listed on the roster. The hub abbreviations are:

Albany: ALB
Binghamton: BNG
Buffalo: BUF
New York City: NYC
Rochester: ROC
Syracuse: SYR

Our vendor, Custom Courier Solutions, requires each driver to fill out a “Proof of Delivery” sheet.  Some drivers require a staff member to sign this sheet, others simply take the name of the person receiving the delivery and annotate the sheet.  This enables us to ensure that deliveries are indeed being made.  Members should report any failed deliveries (missed stops) using the Report an Issue or Closure form so that we may follow up and credit you for that stop.

We ask that you keep track of the number of items and bags you sent each month and report them to ELD by the 10th of the following month. At the end of each month a form to report statistics will be sent via the ELD newsletter. This form is also available in the reporting statistics section of this website.

The ESLN contract with Custom Courier Solutions stipulates that ESLN will be credited for missed stops. Participating libraries will be credited for missed stops when they are invoiced for the next fiscal year. For example, a library’s 2015-16 invoice, issued on or about July 1, 2015, would reflect a credit for all reported missed stops in the 2014-15 year.

Project Oversight

Advisory Group

Group Charge:
Determine the overall management of the statewide delivery service, Empire Library Delivery, including contracts, business plans, and policies and procedures.

Group Members:
Nancy Abashian – SUNY Binghamton
Maria DeGaetano – ESLN
Kathy Gundrum – CDLC / ESLN Chairperson
Kristin Hart –  CUNY
Tim Jackson – SUNY OLIS
William Jones – SUNY Geneseo
Chris Keough – University at Buffalo
Terry Kirchner – Westchester Library System
Sheryl Knab, WNYLRC
Julia Proctor – ConnectNY
Samantha Purpora – Buffalo & Erie County Public Library
Tim Spindler – LILRC
Mark Sullivan – IDS
Emily Wager – New York State Library

Practitioners Group

Group Charge:
Assess, review, and identify improvements for everyday operations of Empire Library Delivery, including labeling, packaging, statistics, and other issues that impact timely delivery across New York State.

Group Members:
Jennifer Acker – Hudson Valley Community College
Glen Bogardus – SUNY Canton/Potsdam
J Silvia Cho – CUNY Graduate Center
Maria DeGaetano – ESLN
Ellen Eurbanek – SUNY Buffalo
Ronald Figueroa – Syracuse University
Alicia Marrese – St. John Fisher University
Kelsey Milner – Southeastern NY Library Resources Council
Elise Thornley –SUNY Binghamton
Jill Tominosky – ConnectNY